Tonight, I listened to this Townes album, which is the only record I've been spinning lately.... and baked banana bread, using a recipe my aunt Diane read to me over the phone.
Late January Banana Bread
1/4 cup butter
2/3 cup honey (I used some Agave syrup too... I was short on honey)
3 eggs, beaten
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups flour (I used 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup rice flour & 1/2 cup almond meal... I tend to be a little random & experimental in my baking)
1 cup chopped walnuts (I used some walnuts & dry roasted almonds too..)
I also threw in some grain sweetened chocolate chips....
Mix together the butter, honey, eggs, bananas, milk & vanilla in a bowl -
In a different bowl, mix together the flour & other dry ingredients -
Add dry to wet.
Butter & Flour a loaf pan. Or grease it, you know... what ever you do. I smear butter on mine.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Put the mixture in the little loaf pan & bake for about an hour...
Let cool (or burn yourself trying to get in on it too soon, like I did)
Enjoy! It's good!