Another hotel. Another city. We ate some proper food tonight here in Bordeaux. It was cold to the bones today, but the skies were clear & we saw a rainbow.
I got a note from an old pal that made my day:
I heard you are going to move to Portland. I hope you can visit Astoria and we can do some shows TOGETHER AGAIN. The water's fine. yup yup yup. You don't stay in one place too long. It would be great to see Mariee too. Our weather has been less rainy than usual SO FAR. I love you.
For a quick tasty treat: quinoa elbows with a bit of olive oil and gomasio.
Oh, and I am moving back North in December so that one of these kind men can stack wood by my door... Thoughts of back home, while recovering from the obscene amount of food I ate for our 'thanksgiving in spirit'....
Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving despite the fact that it is a Monday, and we are in France. Marie, Alina & I were able to gather all sorts of food stuffs for the occasion.... We even got a jar of homemade cranberries from a very kind woman, because we found out that the only store in this town that sells the berries is closed today! I made the pumpkin pie & it was pretty experimental, so I hope it comes out alright... We are in a lovely little village called Angers. Lace curtains & good spirits for our two days off. Been drinking tea all day. Enjoying the rest.