I think I'll make them again....and you can too!
- 2 cups yellow cornmeal
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups milk
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 3 tablespoons melted butter
- 1 tablespoon of agave, for a little sweetness, if you like.
Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl -
mix together all liquid ingredients in a different bowl..
Add the liquid to the dry.
Pour 1/4 cup of batter onto a hot greased griddle.
Fry until brown- flip 'er over & get 'er brown on the other side.
They are good.
I like mine with fruit & plain yogurt & applesauce & almonds & jam.
O, and a cup of Joseph, please.
You might like yours with 'Aunt Jemima.'
I don't.
love the photo. mmmm, yummy!
Suddenly, I got me a hankerin' fer some corn cakes! Definitely going to try this recipe ASAP.
J'ai faim maintenant, c'est malin!
miam miam!! im gonna make some tomorow!!!! xxxx
lots of love from gini famiLi
It's like if a feather had enough strength to change the seas.
hey alela I looooove your songs, we listen to you all the time. and I also really love your blog ! keep it up that's really cool. I wish you a lot of happiness with your new husband, french photographer and fan julie. (come and visit my blog : desfruitsdesfleursetc.blogspot.com)
it's a joy to wander around here !
Bonne journée
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